Consistently Connect iPhone to Mac Over Bluetooth

For the past few months I’ve been using an application called Type2Phone which allows me to use my Macbook keyboard to type on my iPhone. It works very well, using bluetooth for the connection and makes sending texts and instant messages (MSN, GoogleTalk) far faster on the iPhone. Type2Phone has been the first and only reason I’ve ever had to connect my iPhone to my Macbook over Bluetooth.

Since I started using it, however, I had major issues with connecting my phone to my laptop over bluetooth (note that this is an issue with iOS and/or OS X, not with Type2Phone). Once the devices were paired, trying to connect them would often result in errors such as:

  • “Macbook not within range.”
  • “Macbook is not a supported device.”1

Finally, after far too much frustration, I believe I know how to connect my iPhone and Macbook consistently and it’s quite simple:

Have Type2Phone2 running when you try to connect the devices.

That’s it.

Since I’ve started doing this I haven’t seen any errors and using Type2Phone has become a far more enjoyable experience.

  1. This resulted in a single option to clear the message: Forget Device. Now the pairing was lost and I had to start from scratch. ↩︎

  2. Presumably this fix would work with any program that is actively trying to use Bluetooth open, however I am unable to test that hypothesis as I have no other apps on my computer that utilize bluetooth. ↩︎